2023瑞得福国际学校Field Day趣味运动会

   日期:2023-11-13     评论:0    
核心提示:Field Day 2023: A Tapestry of Unity, Fun, and Achievement2023瑞得福校园运动会:团结、欢乐和成就的盛宴As the sun dawned on our annual Field Day, the vibrant energy and camaraderie that enveloped our campus were truly uplifting. The day began with a symbolic lap run by each of

portant; overflow-wrap: break-word !important;">Field Day 2023: A Tapestry of Unity, Fun, and Achievement

portant; overflow-wrap: break-word !important;">2023瑞得福校园运动会:团结、欢乐和成就的盛宴

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As the sun dawned on our annual Field Day, the vibrant energy and camaraderie that enveloped our campus were truly uplifting. The day began with a symbolic lap run by each of our four houses, setting the tone for a day filled with spirited competition, teamwork, and celebration.

portant; overflow-wrap: break-word !important;">清晨的阳光照亮了我们一年一度的校园运动会,整个校园洋溢着充满活力和友情的体育氛围,令人振奋不已。这天,我们四支House队象征性地绕操场跑了一圈,为这充满竞争和合作精神的一天定下了基调。我们斗志昂扬开展比赛,并庆祝这特殊的一天。

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portant; overflow-wrap: break-word !important;">The opening ceremony, marked by enthusiastic house chants and a mesmerizing musical performance led by our talented music students, captured the essence of the RDF spirit. The day unfolded with a myriad of team events, ranging from classic 4-way tug of war to innovative activities like balloon tosses, curling, and chariot races. Laughter echoed across the field as students engaged in face and body painting, bouncy ball races, dodge ball, and countless other events that showcased not only their athletic prowess but also their collaborative spirit.

portant; overflow-wrap: break-word !important;">开幕式上,热情洋溢的House队口号和才华横溢的学生带来了令人着迷的音乐表演,捕捉到了RDF精神的核心。运动会的这一天,有各种各样的团队活动,从传统的四向拔河到创新的水球投掷、冰壶和战车比赛。学生们参与了彩绘、弹跳球比赛、躲避球等其他活动,笑声在整个操场回荡。这不仅展示了同学们的运动实力,也体现了合作精神。

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portant; overflow-wrap: break-word !important;">During the afternoon, the focus shifted to individual and smaller team events, including basketball, soccer, 100m sprints for every level, gym competitions, rowing contests, and an exhilarating obstacle course. The field was alive with the sounds of cheering, encouragement, and shared moments of triumph. Despite the spirited competition, the overarching theme of unity prevailed.

portant; overflow-wrap: break-word !important;">上午之后,比赛的项目转向个人和小团队的活动,其中包括篮球、足球、各年级100米短跑、健身比赛、划船比赛以及障碍比赛。赛场上充满了欢呼声、鼓励声和共享胜利时刻的喜悦。尽管竞争激烈,但团结合作和友谊第一的主题贯穿始终。

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portant; overflow-wrap: break-word !important;">In a climactic finale, the Red team emerged victorious, securing the highest number of points and earning the coveted title for the day. As a symbolic gesture of triumph, they were rewarded with a delightful ice cream treat. Such successes are not only a reflection of athletic prowess but also of the strong sense of community that defines RDF International School.

portant; overflow-wrap: break-word !important;">经过努力的比赛,最终红队脱颖而出,夺得了胜利,并且取得了最高分,成为了备受瞩目的冠军。作为胜利的象征,他们得到了一个令人垂涎的奖励——美味的冰淇淋。运动会的比赛不仅仅是同学们运动实力的体现,也表明了瑞得福学校的社区凝聚力和合作竞争意识。

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portant; overflow-wrap: break-word !important;">Special recognition is due to our exceptional Physical Education Department for their meticulous organization and precise planning, ensuring that Field Day 2023 surpassed expectations. We extend our gratitude to all participants, teachers, and staff who contributed to making this day a resounding success. Field Day 2023 stands as a shining example of the collaborative spirit that permeates every facet of RDF.

portant; overflow-wrap: break-word !important;">我们十分感激卓越的体育组老师们为2023年的校园运动会所做的精心组织和周密策划,使这一活动超出了预期。同时我们也要感谢所有参与者、教师和工作人员,正是他们的贡献使得这一天取得了巨大的成功。2023年的校园运动会成为展现了瑞得福团结合作精神典范的舞台。



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