首页 > 招生简章 > 香港國際學校
招生对象:幼稚園,小學,中學 班级规模:
授课形式: 课程设置:美国AP
入学考试科目: 招生状态:
留学方向:美英加澳新西兰新加坡欧洲国家 学习费用:Reception year至5年级:港币19.62万 六至八年级:港币20.19万 九至十一年级:港币22.5万 十二年级:港币22.595万
HKIS aligns curriculum, instruction, and assessment to allow students to demonstrate understanding by developing enduring understandings and building on previous learning experiences and previously learned knowledge and skills. HKIS teachers regularly update and revise curricula to reflect current best practices and research.
The purpose of assessment is to promote learning. A robust system of assessment is relevant and accurate, ongoing, informative and timely, and understandable to all. Multiple forms of assessment are used to allow students to demonstrate their understanding; formative assessments are used to guide instruction and student goal-setting while summative assessments summarize the mastery of content, knowledge or skills at a particular point in time.