There are many opportunities during lunchtime and after school for involvement in a comprehensive programme of activities. Sporting, practical and academic interests are all catered for and we consider our extra-curricular programme to be a key aspect of the ‘learning for life’ process.
Whilst not compulsory, students are strongly encouraged to take up at least one activity which often leads to House and/or school representation at competitive levels. Lists are sent home at the beginning of each year for information as activities change from term to term and from year to year depending upon demand. Students are asked to suggest new ones that would be of interest to them; if a viable group can be formed and a leader found, the activity will go ahead.
Activities take place during the lunch hour or after school. Most after school activities commence at 3.45 pm, finishing at 4.45 pm in time for students to use the ‘late bus’ that leaves at 5.00 pm. Some sporting fixtures will finish at 5.30 pm and students/parents will therefore need to arrange transport home. Students will be transported by school bus to ‘away’ fixtures after school. The school bus returns to Dubai College after an ‘away’ fixture and parents may collect their children directly from the fixture or from Dubai College.
If an activity cannot be held and is cancelled, details will be posted on the notice board outside the School office, as well as on SharePoint. It is the responsibility of the student to contact parents or driver to make alternate transportation arrangements as necessary.