#7 2024HKPEP全球排名   
    Welcome from the Head of School Felicia A. WilksFrom the first time I walked through Spences Red Doors, I have experienc
     教育竞争力综合评级 ·  年级:K-12 ·  学生人数∶

    #5 2024HKPEP全球排名   
     610 East 83rd Street New York, NY 10028
    OUR STATEMENT OF BELIEFSMISSIONThe Brearley School challenges girls of adventurous intellect and diverse backgrounds to
     教育竞争力综合评级 ·  年级:K-12 ·  学生人数∶

     Kendrick Road,Reading,Berkshire RG1 5DZ (For satnav use RG1 5DU)
    Welcomean exceptional all-girls schoolThe Abbey is a remarkable all-girls community of learning and brilliant experience
     教育竞争力综合评级 ·  年级: ·  学生人数∶

    #52 2024HKPEP全球排名   
     Iffley Road, Hammersmith London, W6 0PG
    Godolphin girls are warm, lively and grounded in the real world, achieve excellent GCSE, A Level and IB results, but wea
     教育竞争力综合评级 ·  年级: ·  学生人数∶

    #71 2024HKPEP全球排名   
     Oxford.OX1 4AU.United Kingdom
    莫德林学院中学位于牛津市南部,秉承 教育是社会的推进力 的信念宗旨。二次荣获年度星期日泰晤士报私立学校的称号,曾列居《英国
     教育竞争力综合评级 ·  年级:K-12 ·  学生人数∶

    #22 2024HKPEP全球排名   
     Bayshill Road, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL50 3EP, England
    The teaching and care of pupils from over 50 countries encourages us to think globally and cherish the value of diversit
     教育竞争力综合评级 ·  年级:6-12 ·  学生人数∶878

    #20 2024HKPEP全球排名   
     Brook Green,Hammersmith, London W6 7BS
     教育竞争力综合评级 ·  年级:6-12 ·  学生人数∶约690


地址:上海紫竹国家高新技术科学园区东川路555号6号楼7层 邮编:200241
直线:021-54830497 传真:021-54429643